Terms Of Usage

Welcome to StoxEasy.in! These Terms of Use outline the agreement between you and StoxEasy regarding your use of our website. By signing up on StoxEasy.in, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions.

  1. Access to Content : As a registered user of StoxEasy, you are granted access to the content available on our website, identified within the course materials and on StoxEasy.in. To access and use this content, you must create an account with StoxEasy and set a unique password for your personal use.

  2. Password Usage : Your password is exclusive to you, and you must not transfer it to any other individual or allow anyone else to use your password to access or utilize the content on our website. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password, please notify StoxEasy immediately. We reserve the right to suspend or revoke your password if it is misused or used in violation of these Terms and Conditions. In such cases, no refund or payment will be provided.

  3. Website Usage : These Terms of Use govern your access and use of the StoxEasy website and its content. By accessing and using our website, you agree to comply with these terms. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you may not access or use our website. StoxEasy reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time and at our sole discretion. Your continued use of the website after any modifications shall signify your acceptance of the modified terms.

  4. License to Use Content : Upon registration, StoxEasy grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, and non-assignable license to access and use the content provided on the website in accordance with the purchased course materials via our online/offline reader.

  5. Limitations and Disclaimers : StoxEasy will not be held liable for any delays, interruptions, transmission errors, equipment or software incompatibilities, force majeure, or other performance failures that may affect your access to the website or its content. While we will make reasonable efforts to rectify any performance issues, we are not obligated to make changes to our equipment or software to ensure compatibility with your setup. You are strictly prohibited from using the website or its content for any commercial purposes, including the marketing or sale of goods or services to others. You agree not to employ any automated system, such as "robots," "spiders," or "offline readers," to access the website.

StoxEasy reserves the right to change, suspend access to, or remove any or all content on the website at any time and for any reason, at our sole discretion. We also reserve the right to temporarily or permanently discontinue the website. In the event of content removal or website termination, you will not be entitled to any refund or compensation.